#MedEd: Applying into Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology (PAG)

Today we welcome back Dr. Aimee Morrison, a current resident in OB/GYN at UPenn heading into specialization in Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology (PAG). She shares with us some tips on the application experience and getting set up optimally to pursue this specialty — which is wonderful given it’s a smaller specialization with fewer mentors available.

Some highlights from the episode:

  • PAG is a two-year fellowship typically; some one-year programs do exist.

  • There’s a wide variety in care, which is often multidisciplinary in nature. There’s a good amount of endocrine issues (PCOS, CAH), as well as disorders or delays in sexual development; surgical care in Mullein anomalies and congenital malformations; and trans care, menstrual problem management, and contraception.

  • Aimee suggests getting involved with some exposure in years I and II, and often times this might be through an REI with a specific PAG interest, given the limited number of PAG specialists currently in existence.

    • Starting a research project or two is also helpful for applications - and in PAG, because of small numbers, case reports/series, literature reviews, and retrospective chart reviews are very normal and typical.

  • If you can, get involved with and go to NASPAG!

    • Can even open you up to mentoring opportunities from far away!