The Standardized Cesarean Section
/Back in June 2019, we did an episode on The Evidence-Based Cesarean Section. Back then, we talked a bit about incision types, infection practices, and some in surgical technique. In the November 2020 Green Journal, two of our podcast guests - Dr. Josh Dalhke and Dr. Jeff Sperling, in addition to their coauthors - make the case for standardizing cesarean delivery technique.
The text is definitely worth a read, as it’s a succinct review of the most current literature. Some of the practices you may employ already; others you may be surprised by! We talk a bit more with these two authors about the recommendations, what was most surprising, and what things are to come.
This checklist comes from the article, and is definitely worth discussing at your institutions. We’ll let the podcast speak for itself otherwise.
Dahlke et. al, O&G, Nov. 2020 — hyperlink above